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Message from the Director
of Student Welfare Division

It’s a matter of great pleasure and honor to write a message as the Director of Student Welfare Division (SWD). This Division is a very important part of a university. It plays a significant role for the welfare of the students. Generally it performs various functions for the students regarding the matter related mainly to admission, Id Card, dropped case, waiver, package and program change. It also encourages the students to involve in extra-curricular activities like club, social services, study tour etc.

With all-out support and cooperation of the administration, faculty members and other dignitaries of Sonargaon University (SU) we are committed to ensure congenial and conducive atmosphere in the campus for the betterment and wellbeing of the students. We firmly believe the motto, “We will rise up, we will shine.’’Hope our students will move ahead and achieve desired success. Thus Sonargaon University (SU) will reach its goal and become the Center of Excellence. May almighty Allah bless us all.

Warm regards

Kazi Zulkernine Sultan Alam
Student Welfare Division (SWD)
Sonargaon University (SU)



The Student Welfare Division
will remain open


From 8.00 am to 9.00 pm

Prayer Break
(Only Friday)

From 1.00 pm to 2.00pm